Memory is one of those faculties that can be diminished or impaired by different factors. Sometimes it is age, sometimes illness or simply stress that affects this function. In any case, it is always possible to take measures to ensure that this does not happen or has less severe effects.

The memory function is mainly protected by caring for the brain. Normal age wear and tear can be slowed down with the right measures. Also the effects of various diseases. As always, prevention is key in these cases.

The importance of good nutrition

Good nutrition is crucial for the brain to be preserved and function properly. There are foods that specifically contribute to keeping the memory in optimal condition. Nothing better than including them in your diet. The following are some of them.

Fish and memory

Fish are rich in wonderful components such as Omega 3 and Omega 6. These fatty acids are essential to nourish and protect the brain. Omega-3 is part of the gray matter and brain cell membranes. It has been proven that frequent use has an impact on better learning rates and a better mood.

Fish, especially blue fish, are also a source of phosphorus, another component of neural membranes. Together they protect against cognitive impairment and neurodegenerative diseases. It influences memory and intelligence in general. It is best to eat fish at least twice a week.

Flavanol is an element that has been shown to have excellent effects on memory, fatigue, insomnia and signs of aging. It also strengthens vascular function. However, the ideal is to consume chocolate in its most natural forms. When it is heavily processed, it loses several of its properties.

Whole foods

All whole-grain foods are great for health and positively affect brain function. They contain high concentrations of folic acid and Vitamin B6. Both elements contribute to keeping the brain in good shape. Because they are high in fiber, they help regulate cholesterol and blood sugar levels. This, in turn, affects brain health.

The effect of whole foods is to improve memory and concentration. They also facilitate the effort in stages of high intellectual work. As if this were not enough, they also reduce stress. Ideally, the daily diet should be based on whole grain products. It is estimated that these foods should make up to 50% of the diet.

Nuts and dried fruit

Nuts are another great source of Omega 3 and phosphorus. They also have B vitamins, magnesium and vitamin E. All this makes them important allies in good cerebrovascular health. A real delicacy for the brain.

An important point is that nuts are rich in antioxidants. These elements serve to delay the aging of neurons. They act against free radicals, which produce oxidative stress. Nothing healthier than eating a handful of nuts a day.

Red fruits

The red fruits have a large number of components that are wonderful for health. Among them are antioxidants which, as already explained, protect the body from oxidative processes. To that extent, they prevent and moderate the effects of aging on the brain. They also maintain memory and limit the impact of some diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

In addition, red berries contribute to improving communication between neurons. They also have an important anti-inflammatory effect that prevents neuronal damage. Experts indicate that raspberries are the most appropriate choice, as they contain a higher concentration of antioxidants.


Although many prefer to stay away from chocolate because of its high calorie content, the truth is that this food offers many more benefits than disadvantages. One of them is the property of stimulating blood circulation in some areas of the brain. This, thanks to one of its components: flavanol.

Foods that improve your memory